What would you like to know more about? Chances are you’ll find something that piques your interest in the white papers, articles and multi-media segments below related to the Content Services, ECM, Global Messaging/Faxing/SMS and Information Management marketplaces.
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Distributed Capture systems allow companies to shift the usual capture costs outward to the point of document origin – eliminating shipping, software, maintenance, labor and other costs. With newly-available Distributed Capture over the Web, companies can shift costs almost entirely outside of the organization, bringing even greater savings.
Most importantly, these savings can be achieved with Distributed Capture software/SaaS systems without sacrificing the capabilities of traditional software.
Why is Document Capture So Important? Capture should rightfully be thought of as the ECM “on‐ramp.” Simply put, it’s the starting point for where all content (such as fixed, transactional‐based content and in some cases dynamic content, i.e., Word, Excel, etc.) should be ingested into the ECM Repository or workflow process.
One of the most challenging aspects of an effective ECM solution roll-out, and where the majority of bottlenecks can and will occur, is within the Document Capture process. If you break down the Document Capture solution set into its various components (hardware, software, recurring expenses, facilities, etc.), one of the most expensive sub-components of the ECM roll-out is the labor cost associated with Document Capture.
This white paper will tell you what you need to know about Document Capture; available system options; descriptions of on‐premise and SaaS models; and the costs of traditional Centralized Document Capture versus the newest option: Distributed, Web‐Based Document Capture.
Click here to download and read this informative whitepaper!
Going green is more than a trend; it’s now an everyday reality. Organizations of all types, regardless of industry, are finding that reducing their carbon footprint makes good business sense – it’s good for the planet and the company bottom line. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and document management systems have long offered the ability to realize quantifiable business benefits, efficiencies, and savings. If your goal is “Green IT,” you should know that ECM systems can support corporate-wide environmental initiatives while positively impacting the bottom line.
Click here to download and read this informative whitepaper!
CAPSYS® is a leading provider of Cloud and On-Premises based Intelligent Document Processing, Scanning and Email Capture solutions.
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