CASE Studies

Case Studies

Cloud ECM + Web-Based Capture a Winning Strategy for Defense Contractor Textron Marine & Land Systems

Textron Systems Marine & Land Systems (TMLS) is winning the battle with smart technology choices that are creating new efficiencies in its internal operations, saving money and time, and fostering continued growth.

Textron Marine full case study

Loan Volume More than Doubles with New Distributed Document Capture & ECM Software

In the case of Colonial Savings, a leading retail lender serving residential mortgage customers in the U.S., the maximum throughput of its older, centralized Electronic Content Management (ECM) system was both costly and becoming a performance bottleneck, hindering the company’s growth.

Colonial Savings full case study

Omeda Achieves Massive Productivity Gains with Content Services in the Hybrid Cloud

“My favorite part of the new system is having a systematic check and balance in place,” says Sigfred. “We went from manual checks and balances to a platform that provides reports and analytics to help us better manage our data.”

Omeda full case study

Easier Access Delivered, Security Ensured With Cloud-Based Document Management System

Confidentiality. It’s the one word that is likely ever present on the minds of most Human Resources professionals. Typically entrusted with maintaining sensitive employee data, HR pros need to control that information while having the ability

St. Bernard full case study

Bekins Van Lines Makes Move to Speed Up Agent Payment, Cement Loyalty with CAPSYS CAPTURE Document Capture Solution

Bekins deals with a lot of paper – inventory sheets, weigh bills, fuel tickets, quote sheets, customer sign-off sheets and other documentation for the thousands of moves its agents conduct every year. Centrally processing up to 30 documents per move was extending payment to the company’s 225 independent agents out as far as 20 days. Combine that with a slow-growing economy, Bekins needed to speed things up.

Bekins full case study

Cloud Delivers for Food Service Company Operations Continue after Hurricane; New Efficiencies Gained with Best Practice IT Network

There are many reasons more and more businesses are moving their IT networks to the Cloud: easier system updates, reduced hardware and software requirements, greater data security, flexibility and scalability when the business expands, as well as redundancy in the face of disaster. Food Authority, Oceanside, New York, a fine foods service and produce distributor, had plenty of business reasons to make the move – and learned the wisdom of its decision when the unexpected occurred: Hurricane Sandy.

Food Authority full case study

Airline Food Service Provider: “The Cloud gives us peace of mind,” he notes. “In our 24/7 business, we need to know our systems are always a go.”

“This is a business with a 24x7x365 requirement for uptime that faces more challenges than many: there is the potential for product spoilage coupled with the need to deliver fresh food; the high cost of real estate for storing paper documents; difficulty with capturing and retrieving information; a desire to be “green” and have technology in place that could keep up with their continued expansion,” explains Marc Bellack, AETG.

Air Stream Foods full case study

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