FAX Image Server Automation

Unattended FAX Server Mailbox Integration

Incoming faxed documents present a significant data and document capture problem for many reasons: 

  • They often originate within an organization as paper from fax machines
  • If you have multiple fax lines, then you probably have a very large volume of paper being generated
  • Paper faxes are not always very legible or easy to read
  • Faxes originating in paper format are susceptible to being lost or misplaced

Because of these reasons, scanning and indexing paper faxes by traditional means can be costly and time consuming. CAPSYS CAPTURE works with leading fax server providers to make capturing faxes easy. The CAPSYS CAPTURE Fax input source provides a direct interface with leading fax server software from Retarus Global Cloud-based Messaging Solutions, OpenText RightFax and Biscom. The CAPSYS CAPTURE Fax input source automatically monitors one or more fax mail boxes and imports faxes for processing as soon as they are received by the fax server.

Key Features and Benefits

Using the CAPSYS CAPTURE Server Fax Server Gateway, faxes can be automatically directed to the appropriate people and processes using workflow before being processed and stored in a document repository such as Microsoft SharePoint, Oracle, Hyland Onbase, Filebound, or any other ECM or ERP System. CAPSYS CAPTURE FAX Server Gateway will automatically create BATCHES and Cases within the CAPSYS CAPTURE environment completely eliminating the need to print and scan paper faxes. Certain fax attributes such as ANI (Caller ID) and Received Date can be used for indexes or database lookup key fields. 

  • Save time and money - stop scanning and manually indexing paper faxes
  • CAPSYS CAPTURE Fax Input Source scales to handle any number of fax servers
  • Automatically create batches and cases within CAPSYS CAPTURE for further processing within in your workflow environment
  • Batch-level indexes are created from fax information
  • Direct fax server integration for high performance
  • CAPSYS CAPTURE Fax Input Source is simple to manage
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